Great News!

Very pleased to tell you that my short story “A Close Call” has now been published. It’s in “Tales2Inspire – Jade Collection,” released on Tuesday by New York editor and publisher, Lois W. Stern. The story is one of fourteen included in this anthology from among more than a hundred entries from around the world. … More Great News!

A Piano For Christmas

“But it’s almost Christmas Eve,” his wife complained. “I know, Marion,” Richard replied. He hadn’t expected a call for his delivery business on the afternoon before Christmas. “This man really needs a piano delivered to a small town, way out in the country. He’s offering triple my usual rate. Besides it’s a surprise Christmas gift … More A Piano For Christmas

Why Putin Wants Ukraine

A deranged Vladimir Putin has plunged the world into it’s most dangerous crisis since 1939 — threatening nuclear war upon any who come to aid Ukraine during his unwarranted invasion. His lies about the reasons blur the truth: He feared Ukraine would join NATO to protect them from his ultimate objective: reconstructing the former Soviet … More Why Putin Wants Ukraine